Auntie’s Cabled House Socks


To fit size 8-12 US Womens foot

1 and a half skeins of Wool-ease
Or about 300yds of Worsted Weight yarn.
More if you want the socks to be longer.
A bit of contrasting yarn for the stripe.

Size 7 circular needle 36”
Pattern is written for one long circular needle. Feel free to use DPNs.

One stitch marker

Plastic Dip (Optional) It stops the socks from sliding on floors

Gauge 5sts to 1 inch

Cable Pattern
Row 1: (P2, K4, P2, K2) twice then P2, K4, P2
Row 2: Repeat row 1
Row 3: Repeat row 1
Row 4: Repeat row 1
Row 5: (P2, cable, P2, K2) twice then P2, cable, P2

Cable: Put 2 stitches in back of work on cable needle, knit 2 stitches, knit 2 stitches from cable needle.

Hint: This is a great time to learn to cable without a cable needle!

Cast on 10sts using your favorite in the round cast on. I used Judy’s Magic cast on.

1) K1, increase, knit until 1 stitch until the end, increase, K1. I used Cat Bordhi increases you can use which ever increase you like for toe up socks.

2) Knit one row.

Repeat both rows until 56sts (28sts on each needle)

Setup Row: (P2, K4, P2, K2) twice then P2, K4, P2
Knit across 28sts on needle 2. Knit all the sole stitches.

Repeat setup row twice more.
Next row: (P2, cable, P2, K2) twice then P2, cable, P2

Continue with row 1 of cable pattern.

Repeat rows 1-5 until work measures 6 1/2″ from toe. 
End on row 5 of cable pattern.

Hint: Because these are house/boot socks if you would like your socks to fit over another pair of socks you can knit them a little longer. End on row 5.

Needle 1: knit row 1 of cable pattern
Needle 2: Knit 2 stitches, M1R, knit 12 stitches, place marker, knit 12 stitches, M1L knit 2 stitches.

Needle 1: knit row 2 of cable pattern
Needle 2: knit all stitches

Repeat until you have worked the increase row a total of 4 times. Keep the cable stitches in pattern.

Needle 2 will have 36 stitches. For a total of 64 stitches.
Knit row 3 of cable pattern on needle 1.

Needle 2: knit until 2 stitches beyond the stitch marker, k2tog, knit 1. Turn.

Slip 1st purlwise, purl until 2 stitches past marker, P2tog, purl 1. Turn.

Slip 1st knitwise, knit until 3 stitches beyond marker k2tog, knit 1. Turn.

Continue each row working 1 extra stitch past the maker each time. Repeat until 1 stitch is left on each end.

Slip 1 stitch knitwise knit until 2 stitches remain k2tog. Don’t turn.

Needle 1: knit row 4 of cable pattern.
Needle 2: pull up 1 loop from the 2nd st below the first on the needle and place this loop on the needle. Knit this stitch. K2tog, knit until marker, remove the marker, knit until 2 stitches from the end, increase 1 stitch, knit until end.

Needle 1: knit row 5 of cable pattern
Needle 2: Setup Row [K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2]

Needle 1: Row 1 of cable pattern
Needle 2: Row 1 of back leg cable pattern

Back Leg Cable Pattern
Row 1: K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2
Row 2: Repeat row 1
Row 3: Repeat row 1
Row 4: Repeat row 1
Row 5: K2, P2, cable, P2, K2, P2, cable, P2,K2

Repeat both cable patterns until desired length minus 2 inches. End on row 2 of the cable pattern.

Repeat K1, P1 around. For 1 inch.
Change to the contracting color K1, P1 for two rows.
Go back to main color K1, P1 until the ribbing measures 2 inches.

Using a cotton ball dab the plastic dip on the bottom of the socks in your preferred dot pattern.



You can find me Ravelry username Idreamnsweaters!
If you see any mistakes let me know.

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